What We Believe

  • To be a faithful witness of the Lord Jesus Christ to our community, this state, our nation and beyond. We are committed to growing and maturing in every way and in all things caring for those things he values most.
    1 Peter 2:9 | Ephesians 4:15

  • To be a close-knit, loving spiritual family and live as members of one body endeavoring to see one another as Jesus sees us.
    Ephesians 3:14-15 | 1 Corinthians 12:13 | 1 Peter 4:8

  • To equip believers for the work of the ministry.
    Ephesians 4:11-13

  • To fulfill the Great Commission in our generation.
    Matthew 28:18-20

We're here to raise up a great and influential church that clearly exhibits life the way God intended it - the life we could never deserve - enjoyed from the place of His grace.

Our Vision

Our Creed

I am deeply loved and graced by God.
His life is a gift to me.
My life, well lived, is my gift to Him.

I am determined
To live the life I could never deserve
From the place of His grace.

My faith is audacious,
My spirit relentless.
I will not be deterred,
I will not quit
Until Jesus is fully honored
And a hurting world has heard the good news.

If not me, then who?
If not here, then where?
If not now, then when?

I am deeply loved and graced by God!

Concerning absolutes we have unity
Concerning non-absolutes we have liberty
Concerning all issues we show charity

Our Beliefs

The Bible

We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
II Timothy 3:16


We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace through repentance and faith.
Ephesians 2:8 | Romans 5:11

The Holy Spirit

We believe that it is the will of God that each believer be filled with the Holy Spirit and receive a prayer language of speaking in tongues.
Acts 1:8 | 19:1-6


We believe in the table of the Lord, commonly called Communion or the Lord’s Super, for believers.
I Corinthians 11:28-32

Christ's Return

We believe Jesus Christ will return.
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

The Trinity

We believe in the triune God who is revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
John 14:18-27 | II Corinthians 13:14


We believe in water baptism as an outward expression of one’s inner faith - that it’s God’s plan for every believer to be baptized in water.
Matthew 28:19 | Acts 2:38 | 10:47-48

The Gifts of the Spirit

We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit individually and corporately.
I Corinthians 12-14

Eternal Life

We believe in eternal life for believers,
John 5:24 | 3:16
and eternal punishment for unbelievers.
Mark 9:43-50 | II Thessalonians 1:9 | Revelation 20:10-15

The Virgin Birth

We believe in the Virgin Birth, the Sonship, and the deity of Jesus Christ. We believe the He was God and Man.
I Timothy 3:16 | Matthew 1:23

The Church

We believe Jesus Christ is building His Church with every believer intended to be a functioning member.
Matthew 16:18 | Ephesians 2:19-22 | 4:11-16


We believe that divine healing through the redemptive work of Christ is available for every believer.
James 5:14 | I Peter 2:24


We believe that every believer is given power to live a victorious, overcoming life.
I John 5:4